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EDITED: 3/12/2025
Click on the meeting date for the meeting minutes you want to read and the minutes for that month will open in a new window in Adobe PDF format. Please let us know if you find any errors or omissions.
JANUARY 02, 2003
FEBRUARY 06, 2003
MARCH 06, 2003
APRIL 03, 2003
MAY 01, 2003 (with photo)
JUNE 05, 2003
JULY 03, 2003
Instead of the regular August meeting, a picnic/camp out was held instead at Chief of the Boat Dave Yonkers beach house on Lake Gaston in North Carolina. Only three members attended, but others have said they were sorry to have missed it and would really like to attend if it were offered again in the future.
SEPTEMBER 04, 2003 (with photos)
OCTOBER 02, 2003 (with photos)
The November 06, 2003 Meeting Minutes were never received
DECEMBER 04, 2003
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