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EDITED: 3/12/2025
Binnacle is defined as the stand or housing for the ship's compass located on the bridge. The term binnacle list, in lieu of sick list, originated years ago when ships' hospital corpsmen used to place a list of the sick on the binnacle each morning to inform the captain about the crew's health.

As far back as Kenn McDermott can remember (2003) our Base has never had a Chaplain - at least not an officially designated and active Chaplain. Kenn has therefore offered the invocation and benediction at Base meetings, and tried to keep up with members who have been sick, scheduled for surgery or otherwise 'under the weather'. Because this has been such a hit and miss proposition we're creating this Binnacle List web page so all members can be made aware of health challenges and opportunities other members or families may be experiencing. Now that Kenn has stepped down as Base Commander the new Base Commander John Williams has assumed this duty.
Please send John an e-mail at
to let us know when a member, relative, or even another submariner you know, may be sick, scheduled for surgery or have a particular health challenge. Their names, health issue and contact information will be listed below. The main idea here is to pray for these people - but you are also encouraged to send them a card.

Thank you for your participation - and let's remember that just like on the boats, we are a brotherhood of undersea warriors mutually supportive of each other. Also, if anyone would like to officially serve as our Base Chaplain, please let John know.
USS Virginia Base Binnacle List
Jimmy Bullock
13 January 2019 message from Jimmy included this: "Still in rehab center, PT ends on the 16th but don’t have a discharge date. It was a close one - could have gone either way."

28 December 2018 message from Jimmy included this: "I am in the hospital and have been forlorn the past month because I contracted a flesh eating virus, and gangrene on my left hip. Scheduled to be discharged next Friday."
Get Well Cards to:

101 Kyle Court
Fredericksburg VA 23306-6457
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