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EDITED: 3/12/2025
We had 17 members attend our first meeting of 2004, which was held at our new meeting location - Piccadilly Cafeteria. Most of us went through the chow line and enjoyed a good meal along with some good submarine camaraderie.

Pictured top row left to right:
Kenn McDermott, Pat Rogers, Bill Welner, George Tyler, Herbie Ortiz, Paul Benton, Roger Warden, Jack Winn, Eddie Kiplinger, John Williams, John Mosticone, Robert Mitchell
and then bottom row left to right:
Greg Sansom, Rob McNamara, Jim Wilson, Thurman Register and John Richard Wallace

Please let the Webmaster know if your photo is tagged with the wrong name

NOTE: Minutes from this meeting were never received and we don't know what date this meeting was held on since the first Thursday in 2004 was New Year's Day and we doubt that would have been a meeting day.
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