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EDITED: 3/12/2025
How do you join us?

If you have been officially designated as:
by the U. S. Navy and want to join or learn more about USSVI and our USS Virginia Base you can:

  • Send an e-mail query to our Membership Chairman, Joe Rodrigues at and let him know if you have any questions about membership, dues, meeting times and location, transfers in from another Base, etc.
  • Attend one of our meetings as a guest and meet some of your fellow submariners. Click here to learn about our meeting times & location.
  • Click here for more information about the national United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. organization (USSVI).
  • Click on one of these links for a combined USS VIRGINIA BASE AND USSVI MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION in a format you can save, open and print (These links behave differently on different computers):

If you know you want to join now, go ahead and fill out an applicaton and write one check for both USSVI 1st year dues and USS VIRGINIA BASE 1st year dues for the total shown here:

USSVI One Year Dues                                  -   $40.00
USS Virginia Base One Year Dues                 -   $20.00
Make out ONE check to USS Virginia Base   -   $60.00


Joe Rodrigues
USS Virginia Base Membership Chairman
4506 Martinson Lane
Prince George, VA. 23875

NOTE: The one year memberships shown above are the minimum required, but you may prefer to choose one of the other dues options as shown on the application form - such as a 5 year term for USSVI dues @ $185 and/or a 3 year term for USS Virginia Base dues @ $55 - in which case you would have to do the math yourself. You nonetheless still write one check made out to USS VIRGINIA BASE for the combined total of both USSVI and USS Virginia Base dues.
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