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EDITED: 3/12/2025
USS Virginia Base Charter & By-Laws

BY-LAWS (Amended February 21, 2013)

The name of this base of United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated shall be THE USS VIRGINIA BASE OF UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, INCORPORATED. The term “USS Virginia Base" shall be synonymous with “The USS Virginia Base of United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated."

Section 1: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.
Section 2: The Statement of Purpose for the USS Virginia Base shall also be known as the Creed.

The USS Virginia Base shall adopt no policy in conflict with the laws and practices of the United States of America or with the Constitution and By-Laws of "United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated."

The fiscal year of the USS Virginia Base shall be the same as the fiscal year for United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated (1 January through 31 December).

Section 1: GENERAL
a. To be a member of USS Virginia Base, membership in good standing with "United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated" is required.
b. A member is considered "in good standing" if both National and Local Base dues have been paid for the current year.
c. Members whose dues are in arrears on February 1st of a current year will have their continuous membership in good standing terminated and will be dropped from all rosters.
Regular membership is restricted to U.S. personnel who have been designated "Qualified in Submarines" by the U.S. Navy, and anyone who is a regular member of the U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII.
Qualification and sponsorship for Associate Membership will be in accordance with National Bylaws of the United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated.

Membership Dues will be twenty dollars ($20.00) per fiscal year. Dues are due and payable on 1 January each year; dues not paid by 1 February are considered lapsed.

Section 1: USS Virginia Base OFFICERS.
a. Elected officers of the USS Virginia Base will be: Commander, Vice-Commander, Secretary, and Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same individual.
b. The term of office for all officers will be one year, or until their successors have been elected.
c. All officers may succeed themselves in office.
d. The term of office for elected officers will begin immediately after the business meeting at which the elections were conducted.
e. Appointed officers may include: Chaplain, Historian, Parliamentarian, Legal Officer, Editor of the Newsletter, Webmaster, Committee Chairmanships, Chief of the Boat, and Base Storekeeper
f. The term of office for appointed offices will begin immediately after confirmation and notification by the Board of Directors.
g. No officer shall be paid any salary for services rendered on behalf of the USS Virginia Base.
a. The Board of Directors shall have the control and general management of the affairs and business of the USS Virginia Base.
b. The Board of Directors will be comprised by the elected officers and the duly appointed officers of the USS Virginia Base.
c. Each duly elected officer will have one vote in the event of a tie vote, the USS Virginia Base Commander's vote will carry the decision.
d. The Board of Directors will develop an annual plan (calendar) and budget for the USS Virginia Base each October for the next fiscal year.
e. The Board of Directors will submit the annual plan and budget to the USS Virginia Base membership for approval each November.

Section 1: USS Virginia Base COMMANDER
a. Preside at all USS Virginia Base meetings.
b. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
c. Act as chairman "Ex-Officio" of all committees.
d. Appoint all committees, committee chairmen and appointed officers subject to membership approval at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.
e. Represent the USS Virginia Base at official functions.
f. Oversee the performance of all committees and USS Virginia Base officers.
g. Prepare a "turn over" package for his relief, containing all information and correspondence relative to the office.
Section 2: USS Virginia Base VICE-COMMANDER
a. Assist the USS Virginia Base Commander in the performance of his duties.
b. Preside over meetings in the USS Virginia Base Commander's absence.
c. Serve on the Board of Directors.
d. Perform all the duties of the USS Virginia Base Commander should he become incapacitated.
e. Serve as the Membership Chairman of the USS Virginia Base.
f. Prepare a "turn over" package for his relief, containing all information and correspondence relative to the office.
Section 3: USS Virginia Base SECRETARY
a. Keep the minutes of all USS Virginia Base regularly scheduled meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.
b. Answer and keep a record of all USS Virginia Base correspondence.
c. Serve as Newsletter Chairman.
d. Maintain the Membership Roll of the USS Virginia Base.
e. Serve on the Board of Directors.
f. Conduct USS Virginia Base Elections.
g. Prepare a "turn over" package for the relief, containing all information and correspondence relative to the office.
Section 4: USS Virginia Base TREASURER
a. Accept, and keep a record of, all monies and USS Virginia Base assets.
b. Disburse such monies as may be approved by a majority vote of the members.
c. Assure the Tax Exempt status of the USS Virginia Base.
d. Keep complete and accurate financial reports.
e. Submit the USS Virginia Base "Control Report" and membership monies to the National Office, copy of the National Membership Chairman, as required.
f. Prepare a "turn over" package for USS Virginia Base, containing all information and correspondence relative to the office.

Section 1: Meetings of the USS Virginia Base shall be in keeping with the normal parliamentary procedures set down by "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised."
Section 2: The USS Virginia Base will conduct monthly meetings, at a time and place announced by the Board of Directors at a prior meeting and published in the newsletter.
Section 3: At all meetings of the USS Virginia Base a moment of silence in memory of all departed shipmates will be observed.
Section 4: The agenda for regularly scheduled meetings shall be:
a. Call to Order.
b. Moment of Silence in memory of our departed shipmates.
c. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
d. Introduction of: National or Regional Officers, Guests, and New Members.
e. Minutes of Previous Meeting.
f. Treasurer's Report.
g. Board of Director's Report.
h. Old Business.
i. New Business.
j. Good of the Order.
k. Announcement of upcoming meetings and events.
l. Adjournment.

Section 1: At least five (5) members in good standing and at least two (2) elected officers (one of which should be the Base Commander or Vice Commander) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 2: Three members of the Board of Directors, two of which are elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at a duly called meeting for the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Once a quorum has been established, no member absenting himself shall destroy the quorum.
Section 4: In the event of a quorum not being present, a lesser number may adjourn the meeting to some future time and date.

Section 1: Each member or associate member in good standing shall be entitled to vote in person at any meeting of the Base; provided however, that the member's name appeared on the membership roll at least fifteen days prior to such meeting.
Section 2: There shall be no voting by proxy; any member in good standing not voting will be considered as abstaining.

Section 1: The Commander, Vice-Commander, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing at the regular meeting held in the month of December.
Section 2: A nominating committee will be appointed in the month of October to solicit nominations and will present the slate of nominees to the membership at the December meeting.
Section 3: Additional nominations may be made by any member on the floor of the December meeting prior to the election.
Section 4: Any vacancy in office shall be filled by USS Virginia Base Commander appointment, with approval of the Board of Directors, to complete an unfulfilled term.

Section 1: Any member in good standing may submit recommendations to amend these Bylaws by forwarding a proposed change to an elected officer of the USS Virginia Base. Proposed change recommendations must:
a. Be complete statements which stand on their own merit.
b. Clearly state the intent of the author and the section of organization policy affected.
c. Reflect the estimated or actual cost, if any, involved.
d. Be signed and dated by the author.
Section 2: These Bylaws shall be amended by a majority vote of the votes cast at a regularly schedule Meeting of the USS Virginia Base; provided that the proposed changes have been distributed to all members in good standing at their last known address two weeks prior to such meeting.
Section 3: Amendments which are passed will become effective at the close of the meeting.

Section 1: Standing Rules relating to the administration (nor parliamentary) of the USS Virginia Base shall be made as attachment to these Bylaws.
Section 2: Standing rules may be adopted, changed, or suspended at any regular meeting, without previous notice, as any other ordinary action of the USS Virginia Base may be.

In the event the base dissolves or discontinues activities all assets and monies of the organization shall be turned over to the National Senior Vice-President.

NOTE: The following was received from ES1 District Commander Steve Bell in an e-mail to Kenn McDermott:
"I hereby approve your amended bylaws as posted on the USS Virgina Base website on 2/21/2013"
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