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EDITED: 3/12/2025
Our Base Meeting Minutes are available to read by first clicking on the navigation button "List of Meetings" fly-out for the year you want to review, then click on the specific meeting date within the resulting table that you wish to read. These documents will each open in a new page in Adobe PDF format.
Our Secretary, Al Ptasznik, is to be congratulated for not only writing the minutes for each meeting, but then also transcribing them into Microsoft Word format and sending them to the Webmaster. The Webmaster then converts them to Adobe PDF format and posts them to our website.



ALSO PLEASE NOTE that the "Earlier Meetings" fly-out buttons below are pretty much all of the digitized documentation we have available for those years because our Base was not as technically oriented back then. However, there are quite a few photos associated with some of those years. If anyone happens to have additional documentation of earlier meetings, please let Kenn know.
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